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what happened to grace adlers baby on will & grace

Alarm: Spoiler alarm! Do non continue if you haven't watched Thursday'southward series finale of Will & Grace. Everyone else, you may proceed…

Information technology's time to say farewell to Will & Grace, again.

Virtually three years later fans saw the render of Will Truman (Eric McCormack), Grace Adler (Debra Messing), Karen Walker (Megan Mullally) and Jack McFarland (Sean Hayes), the beloved NBC sitcom has come to its cease for a 2d fourth dimension. Afterward doing away with its original 2006 ending (where Will and Grace drifted apart and reunite xx years later), viewers got iii more fun-filled, wacky and heartwarming seasons with the foursome.

Afterwards Volition -- who is having a girl via surrogate -- and Grace -- pregnant with a male child -- find the perfect new domicile outside of the city, they begin packing up their longtime New York Urban center apartment.

20-one years and eleven seasons together, the four friends get a happy ending and well-nigh everything they wanted. Here'due south where everyone leaves off after the series finale.

Jack McFarland


Chris Haston/NBC

Jack has been happily married to Estefan (Brian Jordan Alvarez) throughout the flavor and they but got closer as a couple. Every bit Jack became a bar owner after saving Coco's this flavour, he withal had one dream: to be on Broadway.

While at Volition and Grace'due south apartment, Estefan rushes in to tell Jack that he is four people abroad from performing on a Broadway phase, after i of many understudies is unavailable that night.

"It's SO shut. My dream of taking a bow on a Broadway phase is only a car accident, a decease in the family unit and a respiratory infection away from coming truthful!" Jack shouts with joy.

It only takes a couple of hours for Jack to become a call that the quaternary understudy has the measles and he volition exist appearing onstage that night.

"Intermission a leg," Grace sweetly tells Jack, who replies, "Aw, break some water...Broadway, hither I come!"

Later all this time -- and with Will, Grace and Estefan by his side -- Jack finally gets to take his bow on the Neat White Style. And you better believe he did it in the about "Jack" way ever!

Karen Walker

Megan Mullally as Karen Walker Will and Grace

Chris Haston/NBC

All season, Karen grappled with her divorce from Stanley Walker and deep down knew that she all the same had feelings for him. While she tried to make full her void with other men, it was clear that there was only one person who had her heart. While with her pals, Karen gets an email from Stan to meet her where they had their first date, at the superlative of the Statue of Liberty. Karen, still, is hesitant to see her ex.

"Like Wilma hither," Karen says, referring to Will. "I'k moving forward, not backward."

Jack, Volition and Grace and so back-trail Karen to meet Stan, only to exist surprised by Lorraine Finster (Minnie Driver), who is driving their taxi. After a couple of hilarious and raunchy back-and-forths, Karen'due south ex-stepdaughter tells her that she knows she's ever been in love with Stan. Once at the summit of Lady Liberty, Stan is nowhere in sight but Karen decides to stay a little longer afterward Jack gets a telephone call about existence on Broadway that night -- hence why she didn't brand it to his performance.

Almost ready to give up and head home, Stan'south helicopter makes its way to the Statue of Liberty. "I guess information technology ain't over until the fat man choppers in over restricted airspace," Karen quips, as a ladder is ejected from the helicopter.

"Wait a infinitesimal, am I really going to climb a ladder into that helicopter and then another one into your artillery and that'due south information technology? Nosotros merely go dorsum to the way things were? Yous've done terrible things. I've done terrible things. At that place are bad people on both sides. Starting over is not going to exist that like shooting fish in a barrel, you know," Karen yells, as a Tiffany's box is lowered. "Oh, you retrieve you can purchase me back with some trinket I can buy myself?!"

Equally she opens the box, she reads the bulletin inside that says, "Let'southward starting time over. Marry me over again" -- and climbs the ladder to go off with Stan.

Will Truman

Matt Bomer as McCoy Whitman, Eric McCormack as Will Truman

Chris Haston/NBC

The terminal season saw Will decide to accept his ain infant via surrogate. He hired Jenny (Demi Lovato) to acquit his child subsequently he and his ex, McCoy Whitman (Matt Bomer), broke upwards and McCoy moved to London. In the last episode, Will finds out that McCoy is dorsum in New York and, naturally, gets upset that he hasn't reached out to him now that he's returned to the metropolis.

Subsequently Grace sees McCoy at a Broadway show, she tells Will to become after him. "He didn't call me, why should I chase him?" Volition shouts.

"Why?" Grace asks. "Considering in 20 years, I don't want to be the person who has to hear yous say, 'I should've gone after him.'"

Equally for Will, he heads dorsum home after non finding McCoy, but to his surprise, he sees him at his door waiting for him. McCoy then tells Will that getting married and having a baby was too much too soon, apologizes and wants a second chance.

"I made a commitment to Grace. We are raising our babies together," Will tells McCoy, who says none of that has to change. "Will, the gay guy gets to have his Prince Mannerly too."

"A happily-ever-afterward would be nice," Will replies with a smile, earlier entering his apartment and seeing Grace.

"So?" she asks her friend, to which he replies: "We'll run across. It doesn't modify annihilation."

"I'm happy for you lot, just like you'll exist happy when it happens to me," Grace says. While Will'southward hereafter with McCoy is up in the air, things may be dorsum on for the two.

Grace Adler

Will and Grace

Chris Haston/NBC

Grace is having a infant, and doesn't care who the father is. Viewers have been following Grace'southward pregnancy journey throughout the flavour and it's almost time to welcome her lilliputian boy. Things didn't piece of work out with her almost-young man James Wise (Matt Letscher), only that didn't discourage her from one 24-hour interval finding true love.

The finale begins with Grace thinking she'south in labor and Will quickly grabbing their hospital bag, just to return home after information technology was a faux alarm. The physician suggests that Grace walk and practice some practise to assistance induce labor and signs up to go with the gang to the Statue of Liberty with Karen. Supporting her friends throughout the finale, Grace gets dwelling house to her and Will's nigh-empty apartment and reflects on their fourth dimension in the space.

"Wow, we lived a whole life here," Will reflects.

"Wait, you said no reminiscing," Grace adds, with Will saying, "Perhaps but a little fleck."

"Everything is going to exist so dissimilar," Grace marvels. "A whole new life. A new house, kids. We've ever just been Volition and Grace."

"It's OK," Will says, with Grace asking, "What do you hateful?"

"Maybe we've been Will and Grace long enough," he tells her. All the while, Jack and Karen are outside the apartment joking about how mopey their ii pals are. They enter the flat and as they get set to get to Jack's Broadway after-party, Grace starts going into labor.

"You're ready for this?" Will asks as Jack and Karen take hold of the elevator.

"One hundred percent no," a scared Grace says, with Will telling her, "Yous're gonna exist peachy. We are going to exist great," as they head to the infirmary

Will and Grace Series Finale

Chris Haston/NBC



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