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Fake Abercrombie and Fitch Cologne Where to Buy

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Abercrombie &A; Fitch Rough. Fake identification

  • Thread appetizer Sufyaan
  • Start date
  • #1
Hi all,

I have a query (and concern) about the in a higher place fragrance. Especially as I have but just purchased one fresh. First gear of all, are they available in 30ml form?

As for the bottle itself, its seems to be of good quality. The lettering is non the type that can be simply damaged off like many other fakes. The cap is weighty with grey impressible along the inside and the atomizer itself is grey as well. A pricker/label is connected the base and under that, 102Y is imprinted in black.

Now this is where my main bear on is, the look-alike of the torso which is visible on the back is a sticker which is perplexed on the outer surface of the bottle. Which makes me go... "hmmmm?!?!"

I have also added pictures if its of any help.


So, is it a fake operating theater the real deal?

Would in truth appreciate any advice. If it is a fake, I guess I'll have to open a case with eBay.

Thanks! :)

  • #2
where did you buy up? much of fakes of fierce are on ebay
  • #3
The sticker on the back is pattern. I've heard at that place's YouTube videos happening how to transfer IT since it's indeed tacky looking.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Ebay UK. Problem is, I've socialist positive feedback (eek!). I'm truly curious.
  • #5
Looks legit to me. The only thing that looks shady compared to my bottle (I have a 3.4oz though) is the Bible "COLOGNE". Mine fits under FIERCE and the font is different.
  • #6
Im No expert but I highly doubt they make 1oz fakes. If I had to bank on that, I would say yours is real
  • #7
Looks completely very to me. American Samoa stated above, the sticker of the ripped broski is real and may be removed.
  • #8
Im no expert but I highly doubt they create 1oz fakes. If I had to bank on it, I would say yours is rattling

+1. Fakes are usually large than an ounce, I'd have to say this is real also.
  • #9
Even if its tangible you should send it back....
  • #10
Im no expert but I highly doubt they make 1oz fakes. If I had to banking company on IT, I would tell yours is real

My feelings too.
  • Thread starter
  • #11
Thanks for the input guys :D
  • #12
Anything and everything ever made aside A&F has been faked, take that to the bank. The black market on ebay for A&adenosine monophosphate;F is HUGE because of the inaccessibility, particularly in Asia, of their goods. I escort Asian tourists walk-to around City of London here all of the sentence in ridiculously fake A&ere;F clothing, so I would not put through information technology past them to fake a 1 oz bottle. That aforesaid, this one looks pretty good. The sticker is decline. But really, never, ever buy anything from A&F that is current or from the previous season on ebay, you're asking to get burnt-out.
We Came As Romans
  • #13
Well how does information technology olfaction? If the girls are swarming you I'd keep it!
  • #14
Justified if its real you should send IT back....

amen thereto; why would anyone even deficiency the genuine article; here's hoping the faker smells nice...
  • #15
just my 2 cents, 99% sure its literal A i feature a genuine 30ml myself and information technology looks identical. I wealthy person bought a fake away ebay before and information technology was 100ml, badly blown bottle, no serial number underneath and a gold pricker instead of the real silver/clear one. Looks okay to Pine Tree State :)
  • #16
Hi sorry for digging up old ribbon just I'm quite troubled about a purchase ready-made recently.
The packaging all seemed legit and from a real reputable seller but I'm acquiring almost ordinal longevity and no sound projection at complete. Compared to a bottle I had a couple of years past I found this strange before hearing about reformulations, and the introduction of Terrible for them to take advantage of. But surely the normal genuine stuff can't be this ineffective?
It seems to last ages happening fabrics without projecting but is much a skin to nozzle aroma from almost the here and now it's sprayed on. Next-to-last nighttime I did an experiment and sprayed 7-8 along my neck and after 5 mins it could non be smelt by anyone in my vicinity. I've also dependable information technology happening a champion but the same affair - a skin smell which lasted a few hrs but nobelium protrusion.
Is it at all possible that the scent has been watered down?

Tbh, I'd rather it be a rip off from A&F rather than a knock off from eBay.
Thanks for any replies before I contact trafficker.
Postscript- my bottle also has the yellow tint now but in reality arrived clear :undecided:

edit: sorry not allowed to send link as newbie

Last altered:
  • #17
Hawaii blue for excavation up echt thread but I'm quite concerned about a purchase made recently.
The packaging complete seemed legit and from a very reputable seller but I'm acquiring almost no longevity and no project at all. Compared to a bottle I had a couple of years ago I found this strange before sense of hearing nigh reformulations, and the introduction of Intense for them to take advantage of. But surely the normal old stuff can't beryllium this ineffective?
It seems to last ages on fabrics without protruding but is very often a cutis to nose scent from well-nig the moment it's sprayed on. Last night I did an experiment and sprayed 7-8 happening my neck and after 5 mins it could non be smelt by anyone in my neck of the woods. I've too proven it connected a friend just the equal affair - a skin scent which lasted few hrs just no projection.
Is it at all possible that the scent has been watered dispirited?

Tbh, I'd rather information technology be a blood off from A&F rather than a knock bump off from eBay.
Thanks for any replies before I tangency seller.
Ps- my bottle also has the yellow shade now but actually arrived clear :undecided:

cut: no-good not allowed to post link as newbie

2 hurtles you have to front search for the best Fierce; is it reformulated and diluted? And is it FAKE?

I have an authentic looking red letter Fierce from 2002 but It doesn't throw a series number connected the bottom. It's the small size and legit seems to be first issue. I'm wondering if in that location are counterfeiters making the red letter time of origin Fierce's in modern Day TODAY since they sell so well.

AGH what a head ache. The great unwashe mocking how they'll never get into the scent yet they don't realize how valuable and uncommon the original juice is. *eye roll*

  • #18
The sticker connected the back is average. I've heard there's YouTube videos happening how to remove information technology since it's so tacky looking.

What's so tacky about beholding an example of an in shape male physique - show off's you everyday what a man / your body should look like. Have you ever detected of the law of attraction? Do you want Anna Nicole's tits on the back? Like I don't latch on.

Irritating insecure ass manpower. Whole devaluing the cologne too since sight stickered mint vintage versions are in the $200-300's

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Fake Abercrombie and Fitch Cologne Where to Buy


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